I have now tried, following your advice, to input a questionable potential misinformation snippet such as "bird's flu" and you do get this extra information panel that shows the social media mentions and timeline for that topic.
I think if you're looking for a specific bit of misinformation you might have to be more specific than that. "Bird flu" will turn up any post mentioning that phrase, including reputable accounts. What I searched was "bird flu election"
Hello Samantha, thanks for sharing this interesting new tool. I am presently logged onto Rolli but I don't see any link or button allowing me to access the Information Tracer. Here's a screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n35xe55zr7ia6rjxz5ud8/Screenshot-2024-07-03-at-11.47.38.jpg?rlkey=muvwewo8lblzpvdg8685w06p7&dl=0
Hi Robin! I believe you go ahead and type your search term right into that search box. Does that work?
Thank you Samantha.
I have now tried, following your advice, to input a questionable potential misinformation snippet such as "bird's flu" and you do get this extra information panel that shows the social media mentions and timeline for that topic.
Looks like a very useful discovery tool.
Thanks for sharing!
I think if you're looking for a specific bit of misinformation you might have to be more specific than that. "Bird flu" will turn up any post mentioning that phrase, including reputable accounts. What I searched was "bird flu election"
You're totally right. Thank you Samantha.