Hello again reporters! This newsletter has really taken an international bent since I started teaching abroad. I like it.
Today I’m gonna share a new resource that I am super stoked to have found: RTI Rating. RTI rates - but more importantly, summarizes - FOI laws around the world.
Before this, I relied on GIJN’s list of international FOI laws, which is also very helpful. But RTI breaks each country down by exemptions, fees, appeals, etc.
The website isn’t the greatest - for instance, you basically have to open a country page and Ctrl+F for “fees.” But a global breakdown similar to RCFP’s Open Government Guide is a huge help.
Somewhat unsurprisingly, RTI is missing some countries entirely, like Cuba and North Korea. For this reason, I wouldn’t rely on the “rankings” so much, but still, terrific if you are outside the US or happen to need some records from another country. FOIA the leaders!
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Both are good sources. Many countries have software to help people submit FOIAs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaveteli