Well hello, reporters. I’ve had Fantastical on my computer for quite a while. To the point that I didn’t remember why I had it, to be honest. But last week, Jeremy Caplan released a slew of calendar tools on his famous Wonder Tools blog, and voila!
Fantastical uses “natural language” processing to create a calendar event from a phrase like “meeting with Susan 11am Friday.” This is something that Google Calendar does not have integrated, surprisingly (though I have a feeling they might do it soon and call it AI).
In any case, Fantastical is an unfortunately Mac-only app that does this very well. Some other calendar apps also have this “natural language” capability, but it depends on what you use.
This post was also inspired by the fact that Monday mornings are the best time to schedule meetings, according to TFR favorite Boomerang. Who knew? Stay on top of that schedule, reporters!
Did you miss the last TFR? Use Google Voice to connect with your audience via old-fashioned flyers
As much as I love Fantastical, I really wish "Natural Language" was more clearly defined. My language was apparently not natural enough... I had to learn how to prompt Fantastical + Cardhop's natural language processor, which seems to defeat the point lol.